Healthy & Safety


GMT recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer within the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation. The Company will take every practicable step to create a safe, healthy workplace and working environment for all its employees and all other persons for whom it has responsibility.

GMT recognises that the duty of care for a safe and healthy environment extends beyond employees to include supported clients, trainees, contractors, customers and all other visitors. Such third parties will be made aware of any specific health and safety related obligations, as appropriate.

To this end, management will provide necessary training, instruction, information and supervision to ensure the health and safety at work of all. Management will also provide all necessary equipment, both protective and functional, to ensure that this policy is carried out to the full. Employee involvement in formulating safety policies is encouraged and mechanisms for consultation and communication of information exist.

Whilst there is a statutory duty to comply with the regulations and codes of practice this is regarded by the Company as a minimum requirement and it is policy to endeavour to secure the cooperation of all concerned to achieve higher standards in all aspects of health and safety at work. The Company Director will therefore give full backing to the policy and will support all those who endeavour to carry it out.

This policy and the related guidance will be subject to periodic review and will be reissued to all employees following such review.

Tracy Thorpe
Company Director

October 2015